Category Archives: 4-H
Howard College Lamb & Goat Camps
Howard College has scheduled their annual Lamb and Goat Showmanship Camps in June at Big Spring. Remember that only the first 200 paid entries will be accepted. Participants must be at least 9 years old and in 3rd grade or older. Cost is $85 per person plus hotel expenses. Please contact our office for more information.
SAVE THE DATES: POWER Camp/Senior Leader Lab & Elections
POWER Camp and Senior Leader Lab have been combined into one event scheduled June 30-July 2, at the retreat center at Floydada. District Officers and State delegates for 2017-18 will be determined at that time. Mark your calendars for this opportunity!
Steer Tags and State Fair Lamb/Goat Tags
DEADLINE: APRIL 13 Rick is now taking orders for steer tags for the 2017-18 stock show season. Please call our office with the number of tags needed. Payment of $20 per tag will be required for orders. Also, for those exhibitors planning to show at State Fair in the fall, it’s time to order Lamb/Goat tags. Each tag costs $20. Tag orders must be made by April 13.
4-H Recordbook Trainings
Amalia Mata will lead local 4-H Recordbook Training on Monday, May 1, beginning at 5 p.m. in our 4-H office. District Training is scheduled in Amarillo on Thursday, May 4. The District will offer two sessions, including Back to the Basics from 6-6:30 p.m. and From Good to Great from 6:30-7 p.m.
Quality Counts Test
QUALITY COUNTS TEST REQUIRED OF 14-YR-OLDS @ MAJORS – Quality Counts verification is required for all youth exhibiting livestock (market and/or breeding) at major livestock shows in Texas (including Ft. Worth Livestock Show, San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, Star of Texas Fair in Austin, San Angelo Livestock Show, Sandhills Stock Show in Odessa, State Fair of Texas in Dallas, and Heart O’ Texas Fair in Waco). The verification process requires junior exhibitors to pass an online test that measures their knowledge on… Read More →
4-H enrollment for the 2016-17
Online 4-H enrollment for the 2016-17 year will open Aug. 15 on 4-H Connect Every 4-H member and volunteer is required to enroll in 4-H each autumn. Please do not create a new profile; just update your existing membership. [NOTE: 8-yr-old third graders asked to wait until after Sept. 1 to enroll online] If you prefer to enroll using paper forms, these are available at the local office during normal business hours. ____________________________________________________________________________________
Project Forms
Animal Form Non-Animal Form
Good Afternoon, The 4-H record book forms have been updated on the District 1 website: We want to be sure all 4-H families have the CORRECT forms to utilize for their record books. Please note: District 1 is following a different format for juniors and intermediates than what is on the STATE website so it is CRUCIAL to make sure 4-H members are aware of this. The senior forms are the same on the state and district level. Record Books are designed to teach record-keeping skills and… Read More →
Why Record Keeping Matters
Your ability to keep accurate records is a skill that will serve you well throughout your life! No matter what career you choose, record keeping will be a part of your job responsibilities. The most important thing that record keeping can do for you is allow you to see how participation in 4-H project work is helping you learn and grow in your leadership ability, citizenship, and life skills. Scholarship opportunities are directly related to 4-H records; the local Parents Association Scholarship requires a current 4-H Record Book… Read More →
Excused Absences
If you plan to miss any school days because of a 4-H activity, contest or livestock show, notify our office in advance so that we can request an excused absence. Our office automatically checks with your school for UIL eligibility any time that a 4-H member is competing or participating in a 4-H event because Texas 4-H follows the UIL No Pass No Play policy.